Vault Introduction
Save your customers from having to re-enter card details while also increasing approval rates.
The BR-DGE Vault allows you to save your customers from having to re-enter card details while also increasing approval rates.
For a list of PSPs that support BR-DGE Vault please get in contact with support.
Creating a Card-on-File
A Card-on-File can be created via our REST API, Hosted Payment Page or Web SDK.
Things to note when creating a Card-on-File:
- It is the merchant's responsibility to meet the Credentials On File Mandate requirements around gaining informed consent prior to saving card details.
- Some Issuing Banks will automatically return a 3-D Secure challenge the first time a Card on File is used in a payment. Therefore, please ensure your integration supports the 3-D Secure Payment Flow if not using the Hosted Payment Page.
- We limit card-on-file to 400 per
Card on Files can be created using the POST /v1/payment-instruments endpoint.
Example request:
"type": "card",
"pan": "4444 3333 2222 1111",
Example response:
"token": "01ed22f0-5f16-47ba-945f-abfacc59777c",
Alternatively, if making payments using the Card Payment Flow you can set a flag in calls to POST /v1/payments which will result in multi-use tokens (Card on File) being generated.
Example request:
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "card",
"tokenize": true // flag to create Card on File
Example response:
"token": "e2379d46-4fff-4e6f-b9af-6dab64877d60",
Please see the Payment with Card Payment Instrument and Create Card on File
example request in POST /v1/payments.
Tokenizing card details directly via the BR-DGE REST API requires merchants to handle cardholder data and therefore be PCI DSS SAQ D compliant. Merchants who wish to avoid handling cardholder data please use the Payment Page or Web SDK.
Payment Page
Merchants who choose to fully outsource their payment page to BR-DGE using our customizable Hosted Payment Page can also use it to create Card on Files. For more information please see BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page - Creating new Card on Files.
Merchants who use the BR-DGE Hosted Fields Module to outsource cardholder data collection can configure the module to create Card on Files.
customerAgreedToSaveCard: true,
customerId: 123, // optionally associated Card on File to a customer ID
function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
// payload.savedCard.token contains a multi-use token for Card on File
Please see BR-DGE Hosted Fields Module for more information.
Making Cardholder-Initiated-Transactions (CITs) using Card on File
CITs are transactions made with the active participation of cardholders.
Card on File multi-use tokens can be directly used as payment instruments via the POST /v1/payments endpoint.
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "tokenized",
"token": "5caa5a2a-be0b-4160-ae21-1bbbf2267f4c", // multi-use token
If you are PCI DSS SAQ D compliant then you can also pass a CVV value.
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "tokenized",
"token": "5caa5a2a-be0b-4160-ae21-1bbbf2267f4c", // multi-use token
"cv2": 123
If you are not PCI DSS SAQ D compliant it is still possible to collect CVV data via the Web SDK or Payment Page
Payment Page
Orders can be configured to offer the ability to pay with new or existing Card on Files
When creating an order via the POST /v1/orders endpoint you can specify a set of Card on File multi-use tokens which will result in the Card on Files being offered as payment methods when your customer views the payment page.
"tokens": "multi-use-token-1,multi-use-token-2"
Alternatively you can associate an order with a customer identifier which will result in any Card on Files associated with that customer being offered as payment methods.
"customerId": "example-customer-id",
You will be able to see whether a successful CIT was performed and retrieve a multi-use token for use in MITs when you query the status of the order via the GET /v1/orders/{orderId}/status endpoint.
"cardOnFileTokenCreated": "12ac7fb1-f2b0-47bd-bf8b-d4853ad45851",
Please see BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page - Card on File for more information.
Merchants who wish to avoid directly collecting cardholder data in order to minimize PCI compliance costs can use BR-DGE Hosted Fields convert a Card on File multi-use token into a single-use token while collecting a CVV.
token: 'multi-use-token', // for selected saved card
function (tokenizeErr, payload) {
// send payload.token to your server to be used as a tokenized payment
// instrument in a payment request.
Please see BR-DGE Hosted Fields - Using a Card on File for more information.
Making Merchant-Initiated-Transactions (MITs) using Card on File
Merchant Initiated Transactions (MITs) are transactions initiated by a merchant without the active participation of a cardholder. This can be useful for recurring payments such as subscriptions or for taking automated payments for services.
To maximize transaction approvals we recommend the following best practices:
Step 1: Enter into MIT agreement with a cardholder
Merchants are required to enter into an appropriate agreement with cardholders before performing transactions without their active participation.
Step 2: Perform an initial payment
The first payment for an MIT agreement must occur with the cardholder present. This transaction should be flagged as MIT and have 3-D Secure authentication enabled.
You can either use an existing Card-on-File or create a new one (see Creating Card-on-Files). The process for performing an initial payment for an MIT agreement varies depending on how you choose to integrate with BR-DGE. Please note that you can use the same BR-DGE Card-on-File for multiple MIT agreements.
Make a call to POST /v1/payments using the Card-on-File you wish to use for the MIT agreement while also flagging the transaction as an initial payment for MIT and enabling 3-D Secure
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "tokenized",
"token": "8545ef1e-1464-40e3-b605-2e0d5bda792e"
"merchantInitiated": "unscheduled",
"merchantInitiatedDetails": {
"initialPayment": true
"threeDSecureRequired": true,
Please see the Initial payment with Tokenized Card Payment Instrument for MIT agreement
example request in POST /v1/payments.
Payment Page
Hosted Payment Page orders can be configured to act as an initial payment for an MIT agreement by
- Flagging the order as an MIT via the
field. - Enabling 3-D Secure authentication via the
field. - Ensuring that your customer uses a Card-on-File using the BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page - Vault features.
Using an existing Card-on-File
If you already know which Card-on-File you wish to use for an MIT agreement then set it as the only entry in the tokens
"merchantInitiated": "unscheduled",
"allowedPaymentInstruments": [
"tokens": "da000a2c-da85-4aed-843e-679dd6c7376f",
"threeDSecureRequired": true,
Please see the Initial payment for an MIT agreement with an existing Card-on-File
example request in POST /v1/orders and the BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page - Specifying a set of multi-use tokens section of the Hosted Payments Page guide.
Letting your customer create a new Card-on-File
If you want to give your customer the option of creating a new Card-on-File for use with the MIT agreement you can use the customerAgreedToSaveCard
, cardOnFileSaveEnabled
, and cardOnFileTermsAndConditionsUrl
cardOnFileSaveEnabled: This field is necessary to control whether the Card-on-File option is enabled or not. If set to true, the system will allow the customer to save their card details for future use.
customerAgreedToSaveCard: This field determines how the Card-on-File option is presented to the customer. If enabled, it will prompt the customer to explicitly agree to save their card details. If not enabled, it will simply inform the customer that their card will be saved automatically.
cardOnFileTermsAndConditionsUrl: This optional field allows you to provide a link to the terms and conditions related to saving the card. It’s a good practice to include this to ensure transparency and compliance with legal requirements.
"merchantInitiated": "unscheduled",
"allowedPaymentInstruments": [
"cardOnFileSaveEnabled": true,
"customerAgreedToSaveCard": true,
"cardOnFileTermsAndConditionsUrl": "https://url/to-terms",
"threeDSecureRequired": true,
Please see the Initial payment for an MIT agreement and create new Card-on-File
example request in POST /v1/orders and the BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page - Creating a new Card-on-File section.
The multi-use token for the new Card-on-File will be included in the order status response:
"cardOnFileTokenCreated": "12ac7fb1-f2b0-47bd-bf8b-d4853ad45851",
Please see the Card on File created
example response in GET /v1/orders/{orderId}/status.
Please see the BR-DGE Hosted Fields - Web SDK Card on File section for information on how the BR-DGE Web SDK can assist in creating BR-DGE Card-on-Files for use in MITs, and the REST API
tab for information on how to
use the Card-on-File to perform an initial payment.
Step 3: Performing subsequent MITs
Subsequent MITs should be made via the POST /v1/payments endpoint and in accordance with your agreement with the cardholder. These transactions should be linked back to the payment ID, and use the same Card-on-File, as the initial payment.
"merchantInitiated": "recurring",
"merchantInitiatedDetails": {
"previousPaymentId": "22669f90-5bf0-45df-ba8c-ea6d4235a5da"
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "tokenized",
"token": "5caa5a2a-be0b-4160-ae21-1bbbf2267f4c"
Please see the Subsequent payment with Tokenized Card Payment Instrument for MIT agreement
example request in POST /v1/payments.
Helping Cardholders Identify Their Card on File
Cardholders will need some way of identifying which credit/debit card is represented by a BR-DGE Card on File. In order to help with this, while still complying with PCI-DSS SAQ-A, obfuscated card details are
provided when creating Card on Files and also when querying [v1/payment-instruments]. This gives you the option of letting BR-DGE keep track of who owns each card, or you can maintain your own database.
Example obfuscated card data returned by GET /v1/payment-instruments:
"example-token-1": {
"cardType": "VISA",
"nameOnCard": "John F Doe",
"pan": "#### #### #### 1111",
"expiryDate": "06-30",
"startDate": "01-20",
"issueNumber": 0,
"customerId": "example-customer-id"
Deleting Card on Files
Card on Files can be deleted via the DELETE /v1/payment-instruments endpoint.
Credentials on File Mandate Compliance
Card payment networks such as Visa and Mastercard have introduced Credential on File (CoF) requirements to provide greater visibility for all parties into transaction processing. This makes it easier to identify initial storage and
subsequent usage of stored credentials to determine the risk level. Providing these details will increase the approval rate and improve the cardholder experience. If you offer cardholders the option to store their credentials for future use or for recurring payments, it’s required to have cardholder consent.
BR-DGE automates compliance with most CoF requirements, but as merchants your responsibilities include:
- Obtaining cardholders’ consent to store the credentials,
- Disclosing to cardholders how those credentials will be used,
- Notifying cardholders when any changes are made to the terms of use.
For more information please refer to the "Consent Agreement Provision" section of Visa's "Stored Credential Transaction Framework" and the "Credential-on-File Transactions" section of "MasterCard Transaction Processing Rules".
Updated 7 months ago