We have added merchantTransactionId to the request and response of the POST /payments endpoint. This is your unique
identifier for the API request that can be used when a connection issue occurs, and you don't receive a paymentId. We
will validate the uniqueness of the merchantTransactionId value per retail channel. If a payment/payout/refund is
created with merchantTransactionId abc, no other payment/payout/refund can be created with abc. If this happens we
will return an HTTP Status 409 Conflict with a 4701 response code.

The merchantTransactionId is a contract between BR-DGE and a merchant. This field will not be mapped downstream to any

We have also added a new GET payments endpoint to our API which requires a merchantTransactionId as a query parameter,
this endpoint will return a payment in a list structure. If no payment can be found relating to this
merchantTransactionId, we will return an HTTP Status 200 and an empty list.

We have added merchantTransactionId to the request and response of the POST /payouts endpoint. This is your unique
identifier for the API request that can be used when a connection issue occurs, and you don't receive a paymentId. We
will validate the uniqueness of the merchantTransactionId value per retail channel. If a payment/payout/refund is
created with merchantTransactionId abc, no other payment/payout/refund can be created with abc. If this happens we
will return an HTTP Status 409 Conflict with a 4701 response code.

The merchantTransactionId is a contract between BR-DGE and a merchant. This field will not be mapped downstream to any

We have also added a new GET payouts endpoint to our API which requires a merchantTransactionId as a query parameter,
this endpoint will return a payout in a list structure. If no payout can be found relating to this
merchantTransactionId, we will return an HTTP Status 200 and an empty list.

We have relaxed the requirement to provide a value for PSP in a payout request. If your retail channel is configured to use only one PSP, then we will default to use that to process the payout.

If there are multiple PSPs configured then a PSP should still be provided in the payout request. If omitted you will receive a 4000 response code.

We have added a new GET refunds endpoint to our API: [GET /v1/payments/{paymentId}/refunds], which will return a list of all the refunds
associated with a paymentId. Additionally, a merchantTransactionId can optionally be passed in as a query parameter to find a specific
refund on a payment.

We have changed the 5004 response code to be mapped to HttpStatus 422 instead of 500.

We have added cashierId field to the response of GET payment and payout status call. This field will be present in the
response in cases where the transaction was handled by a cashier.