Testing Simulator PSPs

You can test your integration with BR-DGE with our simulator Payment Service Providers (PSPs).

Our simulator PSPs (BRIDGE1 & BRIDGE2) allow you to test various functionalities, including:

The BR-DGE simulator PSPs are designed to return specific responses from our REST API based on the BR-DGE Response Code value included in the payment request. The value should be set in the paymentInstrument.nameOnCard field of your payment request.

Please see the Payment with Card Payment Instrument example in POST /v1/payments.

Below are a few examples on how to get started with the testing. For the full list of BR-DGE response codes please refer to our Response Codes page.

Successful Card Payment With BRIDGE1 as Primary PSP

Payment Request Body:

  "paymentInstrument": {
    "type": "card",
    "nameOnCard": "1000",
    "pan": "4242424242424242",
    "expiryDate": "01-30",
    "cv2": "123"
  "orderDescription": "BR-DGE Testing - Approved",
  "customerOrderCode": "1234",
  "currencyCode": "GBP",
  "amount": 1500

Payment Response Body:

  "code": "1000",
  "message": "Approved",
  "id": "4eeee5fb5dffedbd",
  "paymentId": "530d37ed-c3a3-4f7d-a860-57407c424e42",
  "pspId": "BRIDGE1",
  "psp": {
    "name": "BRIDGE1"

Successful Card Payment Failover With BRIDGE2 as Secondary PSP

Payment Request Body:

  "paymentInstrument": {
    "type": "card",
    "nameOnCard": "4249 1000",
    "pan": "4242424242424242",
    "expiryDate": "01-30",
    "cv2": "123"
  "orderDescription": "BR-DGE Testing - Failover",
  "customerOrderCode": "1234",
  "currencyCode": "GBP",
  "amount": 1500

Payment Response Body:

  "code": "1000",
  "message": "Approved",
  "id": "f11df04f478d3ff3",
  "paymentId": "0b048a92-13f7-4938-8372-f1df1d44e0fa",
  "pspId": "BRIDGE2",
  "psp": {
    "name": "BRIDGE2"


The fail over from BRIDGE1 to BRIDGE2 happened because the Response code 4249 was passed on along with the Approved 1000 Response code.

Successful Card Payment With added delay


You can add a delay by using Delayxx, where the xx is expected delay in seconds. The values supported for delay are 10s, 30s and 60s.

Payment Request Body:

  "paymentInstrument": {
    "type": "card",
    "nameOnCard": "1000 Delay10",
    "pan": "4242424242424242",
    "expiryDate": "01-30",
    "cv2": "123"
  "orderDescription": "BR-DGE Testing - Delay",
  "customerOrderCode": "1234",
  "currencyCode": "GBP",
  "amount": 1500

Payment Response Body:

  "code": "1000",
  "message": "Approved",
  "id": "4eeee5fb5dffedbd",
  "paymentId": "530d37ed-c3a3-4f7d-a860-57407c424e42",
  "pspId": "BRIDGE1",
  "psp": {
    "name": "BRIDGE1"

Transaction Declined

Payment Request Body:

  "paymentInstrument": {
    "type": "card",
    "nameOnCard": "4201",
    "pan": "4242424242424242",
    "expiryDate": "01-30",
    "cv2": "123"
  "orderDescription": "BR-DGE Testing - Decline",
  "customerOrderCode": "1234",
  "currencyCode": "GBP",
  "amount": 1500

Payment Response Body:

  "code": "4201",
  "message": "Transaction Error: Transaction declined by payment processor",
  "id": "f11df04f478d3ff3",
  "paymentId": "0b048a92-13f7-4938-8372-f1df1d44e0fa",
  "pspId": "BRIDGE1",
  "psp": {
    "name": "BRIDGE1"

Invalid Credit Card Number

Payment Request Body:

  "paymentInstrument": {
    "type": "card",
    "nameOnCard": "4206",
    "pan": "4242424242424242",
    "expiryDate": "01-30",
    "cv2": "123"
  "orderDescription": "BR-DGE Testing - Invalid card",
  "customerOrderCode": "1234",
  "currencyCode": "GBP",
  "amount": 1500

Payment Response Body:

  "code": "4206",
  "message": "Transaction Error: Invalid credit card number",
  "id": "f11df04f478d3ff3",
  "paymentId": "0b048a92-13f7-4938-8372-f1df1d44e0fa",
  "pspId": "BRIDGE1",
  "psp": {
    "name": "BRIDGE1"


Not yet on BR-DGE platform? Contact our Sales team to get the started.