BR-DGE Portal

The BR-DGE Portal allows you, as a merchant, to configure your payments.

Through the BR-DGE Portal interface, you can:

  • Get visibility on your transactions.
  • Configure routing for your payments.
  • Generate payment reports.
  • Configure and create API Keys.


To get set up with the BR-DGE Portal, please get in contact with support.

To log into the BR-DGE Portal, use the links below:

Issue a Refund
Smart Routing


If you are part of multiple organizations you will be able to choose your organization after you log in.


In the Dashboard section of the sidebar, you can view successful (authorised) payments for various periods for your retail channels. The drop-down at the top of the sidebar signifies the retail channel you want to filter by.


In the Transaction section of the sidebar, you can view all transactions and their details, including their status, provider, and payment method. You can search the transactions using various details associated with the transaction.

Issue a Refund

To issue a refund in the BR-DGE Portal, click on a particular transaction and click the Refund button.
The Refund button functionality is only available for those with admin status, it will be unusable for those of other access types or if the transaction is already refunded, pending or not captured.


In the Reporting section of the sidebar, you can generate reports on your transactions per retail channel. The drop-down at the top of the sidebar signifies the retail channel you want to report. When you make a report it will add other details, for example, an alternative payment method (APM)-initiated flag and PSP Transaction ID.

Smart Routing

In the Smart Routing section of the sidebar, you can set rules to direct each transaction to an appropriate payment processor. Smart routing helps payments pass through the gateway that's most likely to accept them, this will help increase the success rate of acceptance.

Processor Priority

In the Processor Priority tab of Smart Routing, you can use drag-and-drop functionality to prioritise payment processors per retail channel. The drop-down at the top of the sidebar signifies the retail channel you want to set rules for.

Additional Routing

You can only use one type of Additional Routing per retail channel. This means you have to decide whether to use Volume or Monetary routing with your Smart Routing rules, as detailed below.


In the Volume tab of Smart Routing, you can input percentages per payment processors to divide up the flow of your transactions. These are per retail channel and all the inputted percentages across your PSPs have to add up to 100%. The drop-down at the top of the sidebar signifies the retail channel you want to set rules for.

When you toggle the rules off, it will hide and also remove the current rules. You will need to set the rules each time you toggle the rules on. If you set a percentage to 0, this will remove the PSP, to get it back you can reset the available PSPs by resetting the toggle.


In the Monetary tab of Smart Routing, you can configure different Amounts and Currencies to be routed to your different payment processors.

When you toggle the rules off, it will hide and also remove the current rules. You will need to set the rules each time you toggle the rules on.


API Keys

In the BR-DGE API Keys section of Configuration, you can create, revoke or rotate API Keys.

When you click the Create Key button, you can create both Client Keys and Server Keys for the chosen retail channel and describe the key. The drop-down at the top of the sidebar signifies the retail channel you want to configure API Keys for.


When you create a new API Key you will be shown it once, we recommend that you copy and save it securely straight away.

For any created keys, you can click the Revoke button to revoke access.