Google Pay
See the Google PayTM Feature Page for more information and options on how to integrate Google Pay with BR-DGE.
Integration Directly With the Google Pay API
Set up with Google Pay
Follow the procedure in the Google Pay documentation to integrate your web or Android application.
In the step where you choose a payment tokenization method, choose Gateway
, then set comcarde
your gateway, if you have not been provided with a gatewayMerchantId
parameter, please get in contact with support.
After you Set up with Google Pay, you can use BR-DGEs REST API to send payments.
If you integrate directly with the Google Pay API you will need to supply the web
or Android PaymentData
object as a JSON encoded string.
Please see the Payment with Google Pay Payment Instrument
example request in POST /v1/payments for more information.
"paymentInstrument": {
"type": "googlePay",
"nonce": "{\"apiVersion\":2,\"apiVersionMinor\":0, \"paymentMethodData\"..."
Testing Google Pay
See the Testing Google Pay page for more information on:
- Testing against a PSP sandbox.
- Testing against a mock sandbox.
Updated 7 months ago