Apple Pay
Integration Options
BR-DGE offers multiple ways to integrate with Apple Pay so you can enable Apple Pay in a way that best suits you.
To get started with Apple Pay your retail channels will need to be configured to support this payment method. Please get in contact with support to enable Apple Pay on your BR-DGE retail channels
Enabling Apple Pay using the REST API gives you full control over your integration, using BR-DGE as your gateway. This method gives you full control of all aspects of the Apple Pay frontend.
Please refer to our REST API - Apple Pay page for more information on this integration method, and how to get started.
The BR-DGE Web SDK supports using Apple Pay as a payment method. If you are already using the Web SDK for other payment methods adding the Apple Pay module, and enabling payments is quick and easy.
When enabling Apple Pay via the BR-DGE Web SDK you need to configure the domains you will use for payment processing. The following needs to be completed in both Sandbox & Production.
Hosting a domain verification file
So that Apple can verify that you own, and control the domains you will use for payment processing, you need to verify them through BR-DGE. This file should be available over the public internet, with no proxies, authentication, or redirects. If you are blocking traffic using a firewall you should add Apple’s IP addresses to your network allowlist so that Apple can communicate directly with your server.
The file, provided by the BR-DGE customer support team, should be hosted on each of the domains you wish to use for processing payments, and be publicly available.
Apple does not support any other form of domain verification, such as using DNS records.
Your domain must have at least 30 days remaining on its TLS certificate. If your domain certificate expires you will no longer be able to process Apple Pay payments until a valid certificate is installed.
Please see the Apple Pay module documentation for more information on how to enable Apple Pay via the Web SDK.
Hosted Payment Page (HPP)
As the BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page is a fully outsourced payment solution, enabling Apple Pay is much simpler than the other integration methods. To get started with Apple Pay via the BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page please get in contact with our support team.
Updated about 1 month ago