Worldpay Integration

You can use the Worldpay Worldwide Payment Gateway (WPG) as a Payment Service Provider (PSP) for the following:

  • Payments
    • Cardholder Initiated Transactions (CITs)
      • Payment Instruments
        • Cards
        • Digital Wallets
          • Apple Pay
          • Google Pay
    • Merchant Initiated Transactions (MITs)
      • Payment Instruments
        • BR-DGE Card-on-File
      • Types
        • Standing Instruction
          • Unscheduled
          • Recurring
    • Split Auth and Capture (SAC)
    • Mail Order Telephone Order (MOTO)
  • Payouts
    • Cards
    • Apple Pay
    • Google Pay
  • Refunds

Supported Card Schemes

We support all card schemes enabled in your Worldpay account

Additional Information

Below is an outline of any PSP-specific information you should know:

Apple PaySupported card schemes:

- Mastercard
Google PaySupported card schemes:

- Mastercard


If you are integrating into BR-DGE using our Hosted Payments Page you need to ensure that threeDSecureRequired is set to true when creating an order using the /v1/orders endpoint.

Onboarding & Support

To enable Worldpay on your BR-DGE retail channels, please get in contact with support.