JUMP TOIntroductionBR-DGE REST APIBR-DGE REST APIPayment Instrument TokenizationCreate a Card-on-FilepostRetrieve information about Card-on-FilesgetCreate a single-use tokenpostRetrieve information about single-use tokensgetDelete a Card-on-FiledeleteGet a Card-on-File from a PSP tokengetGet Apple Pay token metadatapostGet Google Pay token metadatapostCreate a cryptogram for a Card-on-FilepostPaymentsCreate a paymentpostQuery PaymentsgetCapture a paymentpostRefund a paymentpostGet refund(s) from a paymentgetVoid a paymentpostGet the status of a paymentgetOrdersCreate a BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page OrderpostCancel a previously created BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page Order.putGet the status of a BR-DGE Hosted Payment Page Order.getPayoutsCreate a payoutpostQuery PayoutsgetGet the status of a payoutgetPowered by Create a payoutpost https://sandbox.comcarde.com/v1/payoutsSend money to your customers.CallbackcallbackPayoutStatusChangeEventsposthttps://example.com/BR-DGE/ as defined in your retail channel config