We have added a new payment status, EXPIRED.

When a notification with EXPIRE is received from a Payment Service Provider (PSP), we will update the payment status to a new status of EXPIRED and return the new response code:

4283 - Transaction Error: Authorization expired.

The reason for the expiration can vary according to card scheme, please contact your PSP if you require further information.

We have added functionality to use Kount to assess risk for a payment.

To create a payment and use the Kount risk engine to assess risk, send a request to the POST /v1/payments endpoint with the riskInstruments object containing Kounts sessionId. You will receive a score within the riskAssessments object in the response.

  • For more information on the request, please see the riskInstruments object in POST /v1/payments.
  • For more information on the response, please see the example responses in POST /v1/payments:
    • "Successful payment with riskAssessments".
    • "Successful payment with unavailable risk engine".
    • "Transaction declined due to risk engine's assessment".

To check the payment status, including Kounts score, send a request to the GET /v1/payments/{paymentId}/status endpoint. You will receive a score within the riskAssessments object.

We have fixed a bug so if you are not using Kount's risk engine, you will NOT receive the riskAssessments object when querying the GET /v1/payments/{paymentId}/status endpoint. Previously this would be returned, but set to null.

You can now use the POST /v1/payments endpoint to get information about your paymentInstrument. To get an enhanced payment response set include to a value, for example, paymentInstrument, and you will get an object, included, in the response.

For more information, please look at both examples included in the POST /v1/payments endpoint:

  • "Payment with Card Payment" request.
  • "Successful Payment With Included PaymentInstrument" response.

You will only get the enhanced payment response if your Payment Instrument type is CARD, TOKENIZED, APPLEPAY or GOOGLEPAY.

The BR-DGE Android SDK provides bindings into the BR-DGE REST API and automations of payment flow tasks that need to occur within an Android application. For more information, see our Android SDK page.

The BR-DGE iOS SDK provides bindings into the BR-DGE REST API and automations of payment flow tasks that need to occur within an iOS application. For more information, see our iOS SDK page.