
Kount Risk Engine

We have added functionality to use Kount to assess risk for a payment.

To create a payment and use the Kount risk engine to assess risk, send a request to the POST /v1/payments endpoint with the riskInstruments object containing Kounts sessionId. You will receive a score within the riskAssessments object in the response.

  • For more information on the request, please see the riskInstruments object in POST /v1/payments.
  • For more information on the response, please see the example responses in POST /v1/payments:
    • "Successful payment with riskAssessments".
    • "Successful payment with unavailable risk engine".
    • "Transaction declined due to risk engine's assessment".

To check the payment status, including Kounts score, send a request to the GET /v1/payments/{paymentId}/status endpoint. You will receive a score within the riskAssessments object.

We have fixed a bug so if you are not using Kount's risk engine, you will NOT receive the riskAssessments object when querying the GET /v1/payments/{paymentId}/status endpoint. Previously this would be returned, but set to null.